Saturday, January 17, 2009

School Gotong-Royong & Youth Gathering

Wow~~quite tired today...
Today is our school gotong-royong...So bored ar..Nothing to do also..just help to stapler and cut the "grass" (grass that made from paper) only...LOLxx..And "malang" is----not enough of paper for the class board and important is not enough of TIME to do!!!Haiz...and we also get teacher scolded because the paper didn't prepare at home lo...Besides,i notice my class monitor loves superman logo...Wakaka~~But the S she change it to M is very nice..
This few days at school..teacher keep giving us homework to do...MY GOD...from Monday to Friday..i also got activities at school..after school need to go tuition...So tired ar!!!..i even no time to do my homework la..Stress!!!!!..When i was at afternoon school..i though that morning school better than afternoon...But morning is worse than getting crazy liao!! choice la...Study ma...Also have to go to school de... =="

Today 7pm..we have youth gathering..So i invited jia yee and jia yi (normally agnes got go de..thn she put aeroplane...) HAIz...Always like that is fun...We have workship at the hall...And they have organize some games...Also video and picture at CAMP was so funny that i cant stop laugh at it...especially Chong Wei (no need to mention what he had do la..)
This few month..i will seldom update my post...u know la...even no time playing pc also...i very cham ar!!!!!!